Hillsborough Community College
4001 W. Tampa Bay Blvd. DSSC 322
Tampa, FL 33614
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Non-HCC Study Abroad Program Checklist

12 - 18 months ahead

____ Explore program options (Answer questions under "How to Choose a Program")
____ Complete the budget worksheet (Found under "Financing Study Abroad Experience")
____ Research all scholarships you may be eligible to apply
 ____ Ask questions (study abroad advisor, academic advisor, financial aid, students returned from study abroad, parents) 
9 - 12 months ahead
____ Apply to program(s) by completing application
____ Select the courses you are going to take at the institution abroad. Obtain syllabi to bring to your study abroad advisor for pre-approval.

____ Arrange for financial aid and complete the Study Abroad Consortium Agreement Form

6 - 9 months ahead

____ Apply for or renew your passport (if necessary)

____ Check on visa requirements for your host country: http://www.embassy.org/embassies/

____ Make flight arrangements to your host country

____ Make sure you maintain required GPA and eligibility status to study abroad

3 - 6 months ahead

____ Talk with your Physician about medical issues (CDC recommendations for immunizations, prescriptions, mental health, etc.: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/)  

____ Confirm that you have submitted all necessary enrollment forms and program documentation

____ Confirm that your financial aid will be disbursed appropriately

____ Notify your current housing of when you will be leaving (if applicable)

____ Learn more about your destination: http://www.countryreports.org/index.htm 
____ Confirm where you will live when you return to your campus after study abroad (if applicable)

1 - 2 months ahead

____ Attend Pre-Departure Orientation

____ Make sure you have a suggested packing list for your program, including culturally appropriate clothing and household items you may need

____ Make sure you have obtained medical insurance which can be used in your host country

____ Make sure you have insurance for your personal possessions while abroad

____ Look at local news online from your host country: http://www.nettizen.com/newspaper/ 

____ Make sure you have a credit card and debit card which can be utilized overseas, contact your financial institutions and inform them that you will be out of the country for an extended time

____ Learn about cultural transition adjustment: http://globalscholar.us/ 

____ Fill out a change of address form and have current mail forwarded to permanent address in the U.S.
____ File an Absentee Voter registration: http://www.fvap.gov/florida 

____ Refill prescriptions and purchase any over-the-counter health and hygiene products that may not be available in your host country (check with your program to make sure they are legal) 

____ Obtain written authorization from your Physician for any prescriptions you will be taking abroad, any relevant health conditions, and refills for prescribed medications.

____ Explore options/costs for using phone service to and from your host country

1 week ahead

____ Make several photocopies of all important documents, tickets, travel passes (leave one copy with responsible family member and pack one copy separate from your carry-on items)

____ Prepare a small travel file to hold your important documents: passport, plane ticket, insurance, emergency contact numbers, medical records, directions for when you arrive in your host country, name and phone number of program coordinator

____ Make sure you know your airline luggage and carry-on restrictions

____ Look at local news online from your host country (http://www.nettizen.com/newspaper/)

____ After packing, walk in and out of the house with all your luggage to make sure you can handle your luggage on your own (if you cannot, you have packed too much)

____ Re-confirm airline and arrival transportation arrangements

____ Compile a list of emergency, program and friend contacts (phone numbers, email, mailing address)

____ Check the local weather of your host city to make sure you dress appropriate for the weather

____ Register your travel plans with the U.S. State Department: https://travelregistration.state.gov/ibrs/ 

Departure Day

____ Make sure you have appropriately sized carry-on items, void of liquids and prohibited carry-on items

____ Carry-on necessities:

-    passport

-    airline ticket / e-ticket confirmation

-    travel medical insurance card / emergency contact information

-    address and phone number for destination

-    prescription medication

-    one change of clothes

-    credit card

-    at least $200 cash

____ Arrive at the airport at least TWO HOURS before your scheduled departure time

Hillsborough Community College Center for International Education