Hillsborough Community College
4001 W. Tampa Bay Blvd. DSSC 322
Tampa, FL 33614
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Financing Study Abroad Experience

Recent changes in federal law have made it possible for students to use some or all of their federal financial aid for BOTH short-term and semester study abroad programs.
Full-time Hillsborough Community College students who are eligible for Financial Aid can use these funds for study abroad programs that award academic credit and grades counted towards your cumulative GPA for study. Eligibility is determined by the type of study abroad program you attend, as well as the type of financial aid you receive. Only students earning a degree at Hillsborough Community College are eligible. It is important that you begin this process at least one year prior to your program start date. Any program for which you will not receive transfer credits or grades is not eligible for any financial aid funds. Financial aid can be used to support summer study, as long as you are enrolled for academic credit and you meet all other requirements.
Learn how to help cover the costs of your study abroad program by completing the budget worksheet to ensure you have sufficient funds. Currency Converter may become useful when understanding how much the study abroad experience will cost.
  • I have researched to help me figure out the differences in cost between living abroad and at home; and I know whether the cost of living where I will be studying is higher, lower or the same as the coast of living at home.
  • I have begun the process of budgeting my income and/or saving money to provide for the costs of living abroad
  • I completed the budget worksheet and I know roughly how much the study abroad experience will cost
  • I looked at all other scholarships, fellowships, and grants I'm eligible first before taking the loans
  • I know what my financial aid package does and does not cover in terms of study abroad expenses
  • My family and I think that the program I have chosen, and the experience of studying abroad is worth its cost
  • I have taken care of all my financial aid and scholarship forms so that I continue to have financial support when I return 
Hillsborough Community College Center for International Education